Thursday, March 26, 2009

When Dreams and Faith Ignite

The other day, I was meditating on how our thoughts and our words stir up emotions on the inside of us. It's amazing that one little thought, one little reminder of something good or bad can change our whole countenance. Our emotions are so powerful. They can either rejuvenate us or drain us, and they influence whether or not we are going to approach life with an attitude of victory or an attitude of defeat. But it all starts with the thoughts in our minds. When we dwell on the wrong things–negative, self–defeating thoughts–it makes us weak and uncertain in our minds. Negative emotions get stirred up, and we waste precious time and energy. But, when we dwell on the right things, when we believe God and meditate on His promises, we become strong in our minds. We uplift and encourage ourselves as the Bible commands. Our emotions stay balanced, and we are able to approach life with an attitude of faith and victory.

I encourage you today to take inventory of your thought life. I have a great meditation of it because of my friend Althea. Let the Word of God make your mind strong so you can stand against all the attacks of the enemy. Don't focus on how big your problems are; instead, focus on how big your God is.( Thats courtesy of Bo Sanchez.) Get your thoughts and words going in the right direction so you can stand strong in your mind and move forward in the path of victory God has prepared for you.

…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (II Corinthians 10:5, NIV).

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